宇宙中的所有有感知能力的生物,睡眠是必不可少的。但是对于人类,贪婪、气愤、愚蠢的人类,睡眠只是一种拿来做交易的不便!如今我们知道了真相。睡眠不仅仅是一项功能,它还是令人无忧无虑的。每个晚上我们深潜入漆黑的水塘,深入变形人的臂膀。每个早晨我们醒来并把睡意从眼中抹去。并且这也在内部有怪物的时候保护我们,让我们安全……” 2、对我来说,梵高是史上最
杰出的画家,没有之一,在任何时期绝对都是最知名、最伟大的画家,最受敬仰的。他把生活中的痛苦磨难转化成了画布上激情洋溢的美。痛苦很容易表现,但如何糅合热情与痛苦来表现人世间的激情、喜悦、壮丽,前无古人,也许,也后无来者。他徜徉在普罗旺斯的田野,不仅是世界上最伟大的画家,同时作为一个人类个体,也是同样伟大的。 3、Didn't anyone ever tell you? There's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence if you have any plans about seeing tomorrowthere's one thing you never ever put in a trap... Me.
Never trust hug hug is a kind of don't let others see their face way. ----史蒂文·莫法特、菲尔·福特等等 5、我们有着
足够的士兵,每一个老兵都可以成为英雄,你要做的,只是像从前一样,做一个博士。 ----克拉拉 6、在走之前我要说,罗丝泰勒你很
出色,非常非常的出色。而且你知道吗?我也是。 ----博士 7、我
燃烧了一颗恒星,只为和你说再见。 8、I burn up a sun to say goodbye to you.
星星只为和你说再见。 9、Become storieswhen we forget them.
Maybe some of them become songs.
也许有些记忆变成了歌谣。 10、Wibbly WobblyTimey Wimey!
时间和波浪,变化无常! 11、
它们将要服从我! 12、The Doctor: River you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear! There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I....
River:Hush now ----river
The universe is big.
广袤复杂 甚至是荒诞的
It's vast and complicated and ridiculous
有的时候 很少的时候
And sometimes very rarely
不可能的事情就这么发生了 我们称之为奇迹
Impossible things just happen and we call them miracle
And that's the theory. 14、没有事情会被
完全遗忘,如果能回忆起来,就能重新得到。 15、何为神?不过是
What is a god but the cattle's name for farmer?What is heaven but the gilded door of the abattoir? 16、Ripplestidel wavesrules……I'm not supposed to.
涟漪,巨浪,规则……我不能打破它。 ----第十二任博士 17、
井水干涸方知惜 18、I'm the doctor and I save people. And if anyone happens to be listening. and you've got any kind of a problem with thatto hell with you!
拯救人类。如果有人听到了,并对此嗤之以鼻,去见鬼吧! ----第十二任博士 19、This planetthese peopleare precious to me.And I will defend them to my last breath.
星球,这些人,对我来说很宝贵,而且我至死都会保护他们的。 20、I've seen whole armies turn and run away and he'd just swagger off back to his TARDIS and open the doors with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor in the TARDIS. Next stop: everywhere. ----river
21、All anyone will ever tell you is 他们只会告诉你
That when the wind stands fair and the night is perfect... 当
清风徐来 夜色正美
When you least expect it... 于你最不经意之时
But always... 却往往
When you need it the most... 于你最需要之时
There is a song 歌声(Song)便会降临 22、别
担心,时间领主有一个小技巧,欺骗死神的方法,我会重组全身所有的细胞,简单来说就是重生,这意味着我会改变,不再是这张脸、这个性格,全新的我,无法逆转。我还是我……但也不再是我…… 23、I'm the doctorI'm a time lordI from planet Gallifrey by constellation Kasterborous.I'm 903 years oldand I'm the man who's gonna save your life and all 6 billion people on the planet below.allons-y!
星座的行星Gallifrey.我903岁了,我可以拯救你的生命,和你下面这个星球上的60亿人。Let's go! 24、There's an awful lot of onebut there's an infinity of the other.
25、One day I shall come back. Yes I shall come back.
Until then there must be no regrets no tears no anxieties.
Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.
26、Happy ever after doesn't mean forever
It just means time...
A little time
27、The towers sang and you cried. You wouldn't tell me why but I suppose you knew it was time. My time. Time to come to the Library. You even gave me your screwdriver; that should've been a clue. ----river
28、You watch us run. ----The doctor
29、Oh look at my girl look at her go! BIGGER ON THE INSIDE! That’s your problem. Size of a planet but inside you’re just so small! Finish him off girl.
30、We all change.
But when you think about it.
We're all different people all through our lives.
And that's OK that's good you've got to keep movingso long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this not one day.
I swear I will always remember when the Doctor was me.