

2019-07-12    作者:    来源:


  上升的动词:increase, rise, surge, enlarge , swell , soar, enhance, climb, jump, augment , go up

  下降的动词:decrease, descend , decline, drop, shrink, diminish, dwindle , taper

  形容动词的副词:considerably, sharply, remarkably , dramatically, greatly, drastically , extremely, steadily, substantially , continually, continuously, moderately , respectively, generally, slightly, mainly, strikingly


  Stock prices have been extremely volatile . They climbed steadily in the 1950s, reached a peak in 1966, and then fluctuate d up and down until 1973, when they fell sharply. Stock prices had recovered substantially by the early 1980s when a major stock market boom again, sending to Dow Jones Industry Average to a peak of 2722 on August 25,1987. After a 17% decline over the next month and a half, the stock market experienced the worst one-day drop in its entire history on Black Monday, October 19, 1987, when the DJIA fell by more than 500 points, a 22% decline.


  1. 主体做主语+increase

  Between 1940 and 1985 the proportion of the elderly people increased remarkably from about 17% in Sweden and 9% in the USA to 13% and 15% respectively .

  2. 年代做主语+saw + increase


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