经典语录 > 小说摘抄


2019-04-26    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、We will sing to youdoctor.The universe will sing you to your sleep.我们将会为你歌唱。整个宇宙都将为您歌唱,伴你入眠。

  2、组成你身体的所有元素都是千百万年前在一颗遥远的星球核心里造就的,那颗星星后来爆炸了,逝去了。爆炸使得那些元素四散开来,遍布在宇宙深处的荒原中。自那以后,经过了上百万年,这些元素又重新聚在一起形成了新的恒星与行星。就这么随着时间周而复始,这些元素聚合起来又分崩离析,构成了鞋子、船只、封口蜡以及王,直到最后它们聚在一起构成了你。你是宇宙中最独特的。世上只有一个Merry Gejelh,绝不会再有第二个。

  3、Sorry,sorry dropped it. Hello Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica takes the universe. But bad news everyone. . . . . . Cos guess who? ! Ha! Listen you lot you’re all whizzing about it’s really very distracting. Could you all just stay a minute? Because I AM TALKING!

  4、Didn't anyone ever tell you? There's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence if you have any plans about seeing tomorrowthere's one thing you never ever put in a trap... Me.

  5、I don't care that you got oldI care that we didn't grow old together.

  6、I'm the doctorI'm a time lordI from planet Gallifrey by constellation Kasterborous.I'm 903 years oldand I'm the man who's gonna save your life and all 6 billion people on the planet below.allons-y!
我是博士,我是时间领主,我来自Kasterborous星座的行星Gallifrey.我903岁了,我可以拯救你的生命,和你下面这个星球上的60亿人。Let's go!

  7、I always rip out the last page of a book.Then it doesn't have to end.I hate endings.

  8、It doesn't matter where you arein the jungle or the desert or the moon.However lost you may feelyou'll never really be lost.Not really.Because I'll always be here.And I'll always come and find you.Every single time.

  9、Ripplestidel wavesrules……I'm not supposed to.
涟漪,巨浪,规则……我不能打破它。 ----第十二任博士

  10、Laugh at everything
because it's always funny
never be cruel and never be cowardly

and if you ever are
always make amends





  15、这是人类历史上最重要的一片树叶 满载着故事 满载着历史 满载着未能实现的未来 那些本应发生却从未实现的日子 由我继承了 这片树叶不仅仅是过去它还是整个未曾发生的未来 我们每度过一天都有千千万万个未曾活过的日子与我们擦肩而过 一种无限可能 所有不曾到来的日子

  16、在走之前我要说,罗丝泰勒你很出色,非常非常的出色。而且你知道吗?我也是。 ----博士

  17、-"It's hard to leave when you haven't said goodbye."
-"Then tell me because I don't know how do I say it."
-"There is only one way I would accept.
If you ever loved me Say it like you are going to come back." ----神秘博士-River Song and the 11th doctor


  19、You watch us run. ----The doctor


  21、And they lived happily ever after


What is a god but the cattle's name for farmer?What is heaven but the gilded door of the abattoir?

  24、Nothe world don't need me.

  25、We all carry our prisons with us.

  26、The towers sang and you cried. You wouldn't tell me why but I suppose you knew it was time. My time. Time to come to the Library. You even gave me your screwdriver; that should've been a clue. ----river

  27、All anyone will ever tell you is 他们只会告诉你
That when the wind stands fair and the night is perfect... 当清风徐来 夜色正美
When you least expect it... 于你最不经意之时
But always... 却往往
When you need it the most... 于你最需要之时
There is a song 歌声(Song)便会降临

  28、Wibbly WobblyTimey Wimey! 时间和波浪,变化无常!




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