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小学英语作文:勤劳的奶奶 My Deligent Grandma

2019-03-07    作者:佚名    来源:网络


小学英语作文:勤劳的奶奶_My_Deligent_Grandma 图1

  【篇一】勤劳的奶奶 My Deligent Grandma

When I was very small I stayed at my hometown with my grandma. She is a deligent woman she likes to grow vegetables and takes care of all the house chores. Though my parents ask her to quit these work my grandma refuses. She takes what she does as her great joy. I understand her because I see her smile and be satisfied with life.在我很小的时候我和我奶奶呆在家乡。她是一个勤劳的女人她喜欢种植蔬菜和照料所有的家务。虽然我父母叫她放弃这些工作但是我奶奶拒绝了。她把这些当作的乐趣。我理解她因为我看到她的微笑和对生活很满意。

小学英语作文:勤劳的奶奶_My_Deligent_Grandma 图2

  【篇二】奶奶带来的菜 The Food Grandma Brings

Today my grandma comes to visit us because she misses me so much. My grandma lives in a small villiage she likes the life there and refuses to move out. She will grow some food and she enjoys it. She will bring the fresh the food to us now and then. Indeed it tastes very different from the market’s. I like the food she brings so much and I am so grateful to her.今天我的奶奶来看望我们因为她很想念我。我的奶奶住在一个小的村子里她喜欢那里的生活拒绝搬出来。她会种一些食物她也喜欢做这些。她会时而不时地给我们带来新鲜的食物。的确尝起来味道和市场上卖的截然不同。我很喜欢她给我们带来的菜我很感谢她。

小学英语作文:勤劳的奶奶_My_Deligent_Grandma 图3

  【篇三】好看的书 The Good Book

I go to bookstore today I want to find some interesting books to read. After walking around for a while I stop in the travel books zone. I open the books there are so many beautiful pictures. I am attracted deeply. I buy two books about introducing Egypt and India. I am so curious about their culture. Some day I must go there and have a look.我今天去逛书店想找一些有趣的书籍来读。在走了一圈后,我旅游书籍区停了下来。我打开书本里面有很多美丽的图片。我深深地被吸引了。我买了两本书关于介绍埃及和印度的书。我很好奇他们的文化。有一天我一定要去那里看看。


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