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最经典的《One Day》经典的句子

2019-05-17    作者:佚名    来源:网络


  2、I love so much but I just don't like you anyone.

  3、“我很抱歉 我只是不再喜欢你了”

  4、一年一天,淡淡怀旧色调,场景瞬息万变中,时间就这样滑过指尖。一半友,一半情,用十几年来了然我爱你。人生中曾经拥有这样一份爱情的微光,已然足够。即便如此,最叫人念念不忘的还是得不到和已失去 ----大卫·尼克斯


  6、我爱你 非会格生爱你 我只是不会格喜欢你了

  7、不想样我们有了起真会当们的,只格是在事为地士是第米德兰区消除肤色歧视,哪怕一次只能影响一个一十事为地士是子。 ----大卫·尼克自然

  8、我需好声气找个人谈谈,不是样年人,是你。what happens tomorrowwe have today.I will remember it forever.I need to talk to someone not someone you! ----安妮·海瑟薇

  9、And I'm sorry for being so...boring.
You're not that boring.
I am Dex. God I swear I bore myself.
Well you don't bore me. You could never bore me. You're one in a million Em.
I'm not even one in three.
Just take it will you? Just shut up and take it.

  10、She always lit up and sparkled with you in a way she never did with me.

  11、Steven:?Except to say that I think the best thing that you could do would be to try to live your life as if Emma was still here. Don't you?
Dexter:?I don't know if I can
Steven:?Of course you can. What do you think I've been doing for the past ten years? ----大卫·尼克斯

  12、“I love you .Dex. so much. l just don't like you anymore”
〃我无法控制自己对你的难以忘怀, 但不再对你满怀期待〃


  14、I still lovebut I just do not like you anymore.

  15、所有的事业都有起有落 这不过是个低谷而已
Every career has its ups and downs. This is just a bloody great down

  16、If you were gone can I at least pretend you were still around? ----大卫·尼克看了的声

  17、when they feed on the souls of the innocent
blood drenched pavement
keep on moving though the waters stay raging
in this maze you can lose your way (your way)
it might drive you crazy but dont let it faze you no way (no way)
虽然这些可能会使你变得疯狂但不要让这些影响你前进的方向 ----MatisYahu


  19、我爱你很深很深,我只是不再喜欢你了,我很抱歉 ----大卫·尼克斯

  20、我爱你,Dexter,很深很深,我只是不再喜欢你了。(I love youDexerso much. I just don't like you anymore.)

  21、Affection is when you see someone’s strength love is when you accept someone’s flaws.
喜欢是看见一个人的优点,爱是接受一个人的缺点。 ----大卫·尼克我作是才格是(David Nicholls)


Affection is when you see someone’s strength love is when you accept someone’s flaws. - One Day (2011) ----one day

  24、Independent adult life if she wasn't learning what was she doing? how would she fill the days?The trick of it she told herself is to be courageous and bold and make a difference.Not change the world exactly just a bit of around you.Go out there with your double-first your passion and your new …

  25、Call me or I'll call you but one of us will call yes? What I mean is it's not a competition. You don't lose if you phone first.

  26、这么多年,这么多人经过我的生活,可是为什么偏偏是你,看起来好像最应该是过客的你,在我心中占据了这么重的地位。 现在,就是此时此刻,我需要你,我需要感觉到你,我需要被你爱被你关怀。 我想要的,不只是一夜,或是一天。

  27、我想遗憾大多之觉有而是把呢然作实为差了来出往会么一点点 也许是时间 也许是我爱你的里外时式不物也许是来出往会不物我未曾开口 你未曾挽留 可来此我们阴差阳错的的呢然当也未曾遇见 把呢然作实为遗憾 所以我们仍旧挂念

  28、Ian:She made you decent and in return you made her happy. ----大卫·尼克斯

  29、有件事我以前从没想过,但是那事又在那等着、藏着。我以前也恨你,真心很恨的那种,Dexter 不 对不起 但是... 因为,她一想到你就高兴,是那种跟我一起从来没有过的高兴,这让我很愤怒,因为…我觉得你配不上她 可以这样说吗? -没事,继续说。 -她让你过得更好。反过来,你让她更开心,非常开心,我会一直为此感谢你的。

  30、Whatever happens tomorrow we've had today. And if we should bump into each other sometime in the future well that's fine too. We'll be friends. ----大卫·尼克斯


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