经典语录 > 书籍名句


2019-05-08    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、Don't tell me false I am lazy perfunctory .别跟我虚伪 我懒得敷衍。

  2、sometimes it s the very people who no one imagines anything of. who do the things that no one can imagine.
有时候正是那些最意想不到的人 能做出最超出想象的事

I think love is a touch and yet not a touch. ----塞林格

  4、“简约不是少,而是没有多余。足够也不是多,而是刚好你在。 Being is not settling for lessit is being satisfied with having not enough;having enough is not longing for moreit is being content with having you by my side.”

  5、True love is about letting her go and seeing if she returns. 真正的爱情是让她走开,并看看她是否归来。

  6、The hard part isn’t making the decision. It’s living with it.

  7、I'll give up everything just to go back in a hurry annual我愿放弃一切只为回到匆匆那年

  8、You are my sunshine,Is my distant light.

  9、If I fail I try again and again and again. Because the moment I give up is the moment I fail.
就算失败了,我会一次又一次的尝试。因为决定放弃的那一刻,我才是真正的失败。 ----力克·胡哲

  10、I want to hear but not to listen
I want to say but not to tell
正如我想要说出口的话却无从说起 ----安东尼

  11、Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude.
我们最大的自由是选择态度的自由。 ----弗兰克尔

  12、Memories are too important. 记忆弥足珍贵。

  13、I will always miss you like a darling.

愿人们的爱恨,为你加冕。 ----郭敬明

  14、I'm just like anyone. I cut and I bleed. And I embarrass easily.
我和普通人一样。会受伤也会流血,也很容易难为情。 ----迈克尔杰克逊

  15、Love is so shortand oblivion so long.
爱情太短,遗忘太长。 ----聂鲁达

  16、Love is stronger than death.

since I first saw
why devoted to stay
since heart unwilling
how light give up
since the road is sti
why polar

  18、“People throw rocks at things that shineBut they can’t take what’s us.The stakes are high the water's rough But this love is ours. ”人们会朝着发光发亮的东西扔小石子,但是他们夺不走那些属于我们的东西生活会让爱看上去异常的艰难风险是这样的高,水也是这样的汹涌。但是,爱,依旧是我们的。 ----Taylor Swift

  19、Always try to keep a patch of sky above your life.
永远努力在你的生活之上保留一片天空。 ----普鲁斯特

  20、Go and see that person you want to see - whilst the sunlight is still bright and the wind is calm whilst you're still young and he's not yet old.
去见你想见的人吧, 趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪,趁你还年轻,趁他还未老。

  21、Just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the gospel.
印刷成文不能代表它们就是真理。 ----迈克尔·杰克逊

  22、When the world says “Give up” hope whispers “Try it one more time.” 当全世界都要我放弃时,期待有人轻语一声,“再试一次”。

  23、A wise man never loses anything if he has hilf. ( Nietzche )聪明的人只要能掌握自己,便什么也不会失去。 ----尼采

  24、The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against it's existence rather a condition of it.
一件事的荒谬,不能成为驳斥它存在的论据。相反,这恰恰是它存在的条件。 ----Nietzsche

Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.

  26、Flower is red leaf is green candy is sweet and so you are.
花是红的,叶是绿的,糖是甜的,你也是。 ----田反

  27、No one is free even the birds are chained to the sky.
没人是完全自由的,即使是鸟儿,也有天空的约束。 ----鲍勃·迪伦

  28、You see how ridiculous my wishful thinking was(你瞧我的一厢情愿有多可笑)

  29、It's hard for me to show kindness to people that hate me. I'm not that evolved. 对那些讨厌我的人好,对我来说太难了。我思想境界没那么高。

  30、Each of us face the choice we have to do to be a man is that we should choose what kind of people do.


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