《童话镇》经典名句大全 2019-05-06 作者:佚名 来源:网络 1、All magic comes with a price. 2、每个人都有选择的权利 不过你最好确定自己没选错 3、只有睿智的河水知道,睡美人逃避了生活的煎熬 ----暗杠 4、听说白雪公主在逃跑 小红帽在担心大灰狼听说风魔喜欢爱丽丝 丑小鸭会变成白天鹅 5、总有一条蜿蜒在童话镇里梦幻的河分隔了理想分隔现实 又在前方的山口汇合川流不息扬起水花 又卷入一帘时光入水让所有很久很久以前 都走到幸福结局的时刻 又陌生 6、Love is weakness.爱使人软弱。 ----the evil queen 7、If it's impossibleyou have to fight to achieve it.不可能的事,就要去争取。 8、You and me I--we understand each other.Look after yourselfand you'll never get hurtright?你和我,我们理解彼此,照顾好自己,就永远不会受伤,是吗? 9、You knowI will never forget that moment...The moment the world sort of blows you backwardsand the one person you thought would always be there to catch you...but he isn't there.我永远也忘不了那一刻,当整个世界要把你吹倒,而你以为有个人总会在那接住你,但他却不在...... 10、Things we haven't thought about in yearsstill have the ability to make us cry.有些东西被我们遗忘多年,却仍然可以让我们流泪。 11、Rumplestilskinthe things we haveit’s never been easy.I’ve lost you so many timesI’ve lost you to darknessto weaknessand finallyto death.But now I realizeI realize that I’ve not spent my time losing youI’ve spent my life finding you.朗普斯金,我们之间的感情,从来都不容易,我失去你太多次了,我们曾向黑暗屈服,被软弱羁绊,最终,被死亡分离。但现在我明白了,我并非一直都在失去你,而是倾尽一生找寻你。 12、谎言越甚,真相的回声越大 13、When you steal for yourselfthat makes you a thief.But when you steal for someone elsethat makes you a hero.当你为自己偷东西时,你只是个贼。但如果你为别人偷,你就是英雄。 14、You don't have a homeuntil you just miss it.只有尝过想家的滋味,你才算真正拥有了一个家。 15、Soon everything you loveeverything all of you lovewill be taken from you foever. And out of your sufferingwill rise my victory.I shall destory your happinessif it’s the last thing I do.很快,你们所珍爱的一切,你们所有人所珍爱的的一切,都将从你们身边被永远夺走,你们的苦难,将会造就我的成功。我将倾尽一生,来摧毁你的幸福。 16、I know what it's like to not have the life you wanted...the life you feel you deserve.我理解那种感受,不能过上自己想要的生活,那种你觉得自己因得的生活。 17、除非你知道出路,否则不要乱闯 18、Making a wish comes with a price.愿望的实现伴随着代价。 19、Once upon a time 20、在云端,来自幽谷和岁月的雪杉,向我张开怀抱,但云和树都向我宣告了你的陌生。 ----格言 21、Our actions are our ownbut fate pushes us.Maybe it's time to push back.我们的行为是自己支配的,但命运推动着我们,也许现在该反击了。 22、总有一条蜿蜒在童话镇里七彩的河,沾染魔法的乖张气息,却又在爱里曲折。 ----暗杠 23、Survival isn't living.活着不代表生活。 24、You are dark as they come.It was your destiny to be this way.And will also be your undoing.你黑暗无比,你命该黑暗,黑暗也会要了你的命。 25、I hope you to learn what it's taken me a lifetime to realize about thatthe only one standing in the way of your happinessis you.我希望你能学到我花了一生才明白的,唯一阻碍着你的幸福的,是你自己。 26、这条路,请你微笑着舞向我。如同你是一颗星星,无数光年堆积在你发梢。 ----格言 27、森林里,疏淡的曙色让我看不清前路。你的影子依然闪在记忆里,我想唱的歌直至今日未曾唱出。 ----格言 28、总有一条蜿蜒在童话镇里七彩的河沾染魔法的乖张气息 却又在爱里曲折川流不息扬起水花 又卷入一帘时光入水让所有很久很久以前 都走到幸福结局的时刻 29、And if you are in ityou need to enjoy it.Because love doesn't always last forever.如果你恋爱了,你就该去享受它,因为爱不总是能持续到永远。 30、If it's within you graspif you know where it is and who it's withthen you should run to it grasp it and never let it go.如果幸福就在你手边,如果你知道幸福在哪儿,和谁在一起是幸福,你就该飞奔过去,紧紧抓住,永不放手。 版权声明:以上文章中所选用的图片及文字来源于网络以及用户投稿,由于未联系到知识产权人或未发现有关知识产权的登记,如有知识产权人并不愿意我们使用,请联系我们删除。 童话镇句子摘抄阅读:145 评论:0 上一条 最新的《空瓶子》经典名句 下一条 最经典的《第二性》经典名句