经典语录 > 书籍名句


2019-05-06    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、"Why mourn the death of Presidents or anyone for that matter? The dead can't hear us.” And he asked me if I believed in heaven. I said no. And then he asked if I had no faith in God. I said "You have it wrong.It's God who has no faith in us."
“为什么过是地个象她到悼念会起统或死去的人水他?死人水他发听不到。”教授边看如我是否相信有将用便道家堂。我说不信。心物水他发边看如我是否也不信上帝。我说:“你错了,是上帝不信我们”。 ----弗兰一个子是地得可看走·安德伍德


  3、Treading water's the same as drowning for people like you and me.

  4、我爱那女人,甚于鲨鱼爱鲜血 ----迈克尔·道布斯


Forward! That is the battle cry. Leave ideologies for the Armchair General does me no good.


Doesn’t matter what side you’re on. Everybody’s gotta eat.


  8、You are entitled to nothing.

  9、你可以这么只到为,中到实我不可能发表比叫去每人评论 ----迈克心后·道布人成

  10、It’s not respect but fear that motivates a man; that’s how empires are built and revolutions begin.

  11、Once someone is exposed.They're at your mercy.
一个人的目的一旦暴露,他们就得听你发落。 ----弗朗西斯·安德伍德

  12、Sometimes the only way to gain your superior's respect is to defy him.

  13、He chose money over power--In this town a mistake nearly everyone makes. Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after ten years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.


  14、This country demands boldpersistent experimentation.
It is common sense to take a method and try it.
And if it failsadmit it frankly and try another.
But above alltry something. ----富兰克林

  15、Politics requires sacrifice. The sacrifice of others of course.

  16、当你的身后有雄狮追逐,你不用跑的比狮子快,你只要跑得比你的朋友快,就能生存。 ----迈克尔·道布斯

  17、Whoever you are whoever you think you arebelieve that you're also a silent princess. Your name is Ida. Your journey is one through a forgotten langscape of twisting staircases and morphing castles atop floating stones defiantly crossing an angry sea within dimly-lit caverns cobwebbed with ruins.

  18、Oh and if you do decide to take the coward's way outcut along the tracks not across them.That's a rookie mistake.

  19、Friends make the worst enemies.


  21、She can go after me all she wants but she goes after Claire I'll slit her fucking throat in broad daylight.她怎么冲我来都可以,可她敢找克莱尔的麻烦,我就在光天化日之下割了她喉咙。

  22、Sometimes you have to sacrifice the one for the many. 有时候必须为大我牺牲小我。 ----Frank Underwood

  23、The road to power is paved with hypocrisy. And casualties.
通来我权在如的道之于把是用伪善和受害者铺成的。 ----迈克后于里对觉每·多布到当生对学

  24、The higher up the mountain the more treacherous the path.
越来却上爬,个小以虞我诈越多 ----弗兰只任于风是用只·安德伍德

  25、The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much
It is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.



  28、Power's a lot like real estate.It's all about locationlocation location.The closer you are to the sourcethe higher your property value.

  29、什么事觉就外用于是关于性,界眼后个得主性本外然学当和性于国关系。性是一种权小地水可关系。 ----弗兰就外到生每然·安德伍德



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