经典语录 > 书籍名句


2019-04-02    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、And they lived happily ever after


Never trust hug hug is a kind of don't let others see their face way. ----史蒂文·莫法特、菲尔·福特等等

  4、在走之前我要说,罗丝泰勒你很出色,非常非常的出色。而且你知道吗?我也是。 ----博士

  5、Become storieswhen we forget them.
Maybe some of them become songs.

  6、Every story ever told really happened.
Stories... are where memories go when they're forgotten.

  7、There's an awful lot of onebut there's an infinity of the other.



  10、I've seen whole armies turn and run away and he'd just swagger off back to his TARDIS and open the doors with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor in the TARDIS. Next stop: everywhere. ----river

  11、这是人类历史上最重要的一片树叶 满载着故事 满载着历史 满载着未能实现的未来 那些本应发生却从未实现的日子 由我继承了 这片树叶不仅仅是过去它还是整个未曾发生的未来 我们每度过一天都有千千万万个未曾活过的日子与我们擦肩而过 一种无限可能 所有不曾到来的日子


  13、The Doctor: River you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear! There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I....
River:Hush now ----river

  14、Oh look at my girl look at her go! BIGGER ON THE INSIDE! That’s your problem. Size of a planet but inside you’re just so small! Finish him off girl.

  15、We will sing to youdoctor.The universe will sing you to your sleep.我们将会为你歌唱。整个宇宙都将为您歌唱,伴你入眠。


  17、I burn up a sun to say goodbye to you.

  18、Time mends us. It can mend anything.

  19、-"It's hard to leave when you haven't said goodbye."
-"Then tell me because I don't know how do I say it."
-"There is only one way I would accept.
If you ever loved me Say it like you are going to come back." ----神秘博士-River Song and the 11th doctor

What is a god but the cattle's name for farmer?What is heaven but the gilded door of the abattoir?

  21、The way I see itevery life is a pile of good things and bad things.The good things don't always soften the bad things.But vice-versathe bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant. ----The 11th Doctor


  23、The towers sang and you cried. You wouldn't tell me why but I suppose you knew it was time. My time. Time to come to the Library. You even gave me your screwdriver; that should've been a clue. ----river

  24、This planetthese peopleare precious to me.And I will defend them to my last breath.

  25、There are some things we should never be okay about.

  26、I always rip out the last page of a book.Then it doesn't have to end.I hate endings.


We are not just fight with the flood we are still fighting with the time and I am going to win!

  29、Those were the days.忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠

  30、It's funny. I thought if you could hear me I could hang on somehow. Silly me. Silly old Doctor.When you wake up you'll have a mum and dad.....And you won't even remember me.Well you'll remember me a little. I'll be a story in your head.


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