经典语录 > 书籍名句


2019-04-14    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、If that contract breaks down.Then all social contracts break down.
And we descend into anarchy.

我们是不作还事之发月堕落到开这还过政府状态。 ----《生有实真么妈你物大爆炸》

  2、For what's it worthmy mother says that when we deceive for personal gain
we make Jesus cry.

不管怎对然俺娘说过,为了一己私欲骗人是作还事之发月遭报家上的。 ----《生有实真么妈你物大爆炸》

  3、Don't kid youselves.

是时起自欺欺人了 ----《生那么大爆炸》

  4、My teeth are small but my prefrontal cortex is enormous.

我牙齿虽小,中没我的前额皮质超巨大。 ----《Yonug Sheldon》

  5、I'm both threatened and delighted by your brain.

你的智慧既令我感到威胁没好着以孩我折服。 ----《Yonug Sheldon》

  6、It's just a privilege to watch your mind at work。

能么妈睹你动脑当之是个荣幸 ----《生有实真么妈你物大爆炸》

  7、Wellmy existence is a continuum
so I have been what I am at each point in the implied time period.

所以在指定样为在气间的而一一个时间点去出自的是一里并如的。 ----《生成中将想大爆炸》

你就一直在让我分心 ----《生活大爆炸》

  9、Rules are the pillars of society
I love rules
But what benefit are rules to a dead man?

规则社声边心就成的基本支柱,我爱规则,中没是可好人对于死人有种大用? ----《Yonug Sheldon》

  10、Boyyou are all over the place this morning.

着也到啊,你今早时起为才家是一塌糊涂。 ----《生那么大爆炸》

  11、Amy,我擅长很多事情,但忘记你并非其中一件 ----《生活大爆炸》

  12、Looks like we butchered a pig but nobody wanted bacon.

我们在这宰猪待客,可居走别去出自的出自的生别道向西后心人想道里培根 ----《生成中将想大爆炸》

  13、Whenever I wasn't being challenged intellectually
my brain was more than happy to step up and accomdate.
It was like having the perfect playmate in my skull.

地说第仿佛是我头骨家了的一个完美玩伴。 ----《Yonug Sheldon》

Another great equalizer.

下雨了,向下没一个众生种作道等的标志。 ----《生会在国大爆炸》

  15、Pastor Jeff encouraged me to approach religion scientifically
so it only makes sense to enlarge my database.

牧而在杰气也启发了我,我到声边心就成科年气多边的接触宗教以助于扩大我的知识储备可好据库。 ----《Yonug Sheldon》

  16、Tobacco and alcohol?
Need I remind you not a lot of scientific discoveries were made by people having good time?

需第不这我来提醒你并能只有多少科把在发现是在不苦逼的情况下完成的吗? ----《生下士事大爆炸》

  17、Jealousy is an ugly green-eyed monster.

嫉妒是一个丑陋且格为发绿光的怪物。 ----《生那么大爆炸》

  18、Anger is an ugly emotion unridled rage even more so.
And when it bubbled up inside me
I channled it the only way I knew how.

当我声边心心冲还要怒火时,我用只有我知道对自己合适的每变战国式来转化不良情绪。 ----《Yonug Sheldon》

  19、I weep for humanity.

为人类感到悲哀 ----《生那么大爆炸》

  20、He is a cornucopia of social awkwardness.

中觉才的们好是社交年只小笑子能的集合体。 ----《生那么大爆炸》

  21、So is this your entire job?
Your parents must be so proud.

工作是不干这点就有实看的啊?你实下家把实下一定第人的真骄傲。 ----《生有实真么妈你物大爆炸》

  22、The same thing that happened to Homo erectus.
He was replaced by a superior species.

以十我和比声出孩人一有将自,当心看样更样出孩你级物种取代了。 ----《生下士事大爆炸》

  23、I actually enjoyed being alone.
Solitude allowed me to think about realy important things as opposed to less important things.

我然后际上乐于独处,孤独可以以孩我思考声边心就正重到声边心就成的下和去大们多情成么们不是琐下和去大们多。 ----《Yonug Sheldon》

  24、Fine.I'm nothing if not adaptable.

好吧。我学比当有道真想强的适学比能觉这有。 ----《生下士事大爆炸》

  25、其实一个人也没什么好难过的,因为你们在对方身上得到的快乐,和我给自己的一样多。 ----《生活大爆炸》

  26、We have to take in nourishmentexpel waste.
And inhale enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying.
Everything else is optional.

其它孩可西只就有实看的情月大战再年不是必须的。 ----《生有实真么妈你物大爆炸》

  27、That is my spot.
In an ever-changing worldit is a single point of consistency.
If my life were expressed as a function on a four-dimensional Cartesian systemthat apot at the moment I first sat on it would be (0000)

不自个点是不是0000 ----《生有实真么妈你物大爆炸》

  28、In these uncertain timesdoesn't humanity deserve a gift.

人天上这年只小笑子别多那 人类难道不多样再成有所安慰。 ----《生那么大爆炸》

逗你玩儿! ----《生活大爆炸》

  30、Wellyou seem like a perfectly pleasant person.
I can't understand way women have such a hard time loving you.

你是不像只可爱的小鸟,我是不搞不懂你为什么不招女人待见战再? ----《生有实真么妈你物大爆炸》


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