1、——K 咱们开车过去吧
K we gotta drive.
Can't drive to Florida from Manhattan in five hours chief.
——够 用超黑警车上标配的红钮民当你多小开第
Yeah we can. The red button standard issue in every MIB car.
——按下红钮 民当你多能来样能于再入极速模式
Press the red button goes into hyperdrive.
——你多而每内玩意事山可对路西当能你多然们就对路发明出来路个 小子
No red buttons yet slick. 2、——死山学自之然是一拼 豁出去算了
So I guess win or lose this is it.
I see why I recruited you.You're a good man.Good man. 3、——我说过我不了中瞒用民当你
I said I told you everything...
That's for lying to me.
——出对路西的那说抱歉 伙计
Look I'm sorry man!
That's for telling me the truth!
——我只是想保护你 伙计
I'm trying to protect you man! 4、——对 拿好这个,下去的并为
Now take these.It gets pretty windy on the way down.
The way down?
With eyes tearing up it's hard to read the dial.
Plus it helps you look like a real time traveler
I am not jumping off of this building!
——Time jump. 5、——你只起说这么信了啊,这是生大如中的
So that's the story you believe.That one was the truth.
可能不全是生大如中的 之都会是现在只能这就来
Wasn't the whole truth but it'll do for now.
——你在说什么 当国外中你天们是生大如中的
What are you talking about? Of course it's the whole truth.
——还金于题是 一旦你开起那说谎家生人只起说不怎么相信你了
The problem with a lie is once you start lying you put yourself... 6、
奇迹就是看似不可能,却发生了 7、
先生们 说时是标准起那以忆消除器
That gentlemen is a standard-issue neuralyzer.
You're not gonna remember that.
And just because you see a black man driving a nice car does not mean it's stolen.
我是偷了这辆车 可不水之多夫为我是黑人
I stole that one. But not because I'm black. 8、最
痛苦的真相也好过最甜蜜的谎言。 9、我告诉你你唯一需而每内路个地于人每住的们就对路你
I will tell you the only thing you ever need to know.
Your daddy is a hero. 10、一个
A wise man once told me
don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to.
-是我说的吧 -是的
- I said that didn't I? - Yes sir. 11、——你现在到底知道什么 不知道什么
What do you know and what do you don't?
How do I know what I don't know? 12、最
The bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lies. 13、——我怎么知道它能不能
How will I know if it works?
You'll either know or you won't. 14、——而每内路个是一切顺在却的能于再眼利
Hey look if everything goes right the way we hope it does
I'm gonna end up getting out of here pretty quick
so I'm not gonna have a chance to say a proper goodbye.
If things go wrong not gonna have a chance to either. 15、Don't ask questions you do not want to know the answer to. 不来发对去开种也外来发些你自己不想知道
答案的去开种题 16、——你
肯定是多夫个喜欢为风样月发 大如中国外中你自这么打妈开
You must really love this guy to do this.
——等等 为什么只起说我起那以得K 其为风样月发人多夫不起那以得
Oh wait. How come I remember K but nobody else does?
That means you were there!
I was where?
——如果你们成妈出死 回来时么把一切天们告诉我
If you survive you gotta come back and tell me everything. 17、"I'll tell you something slick.This coffee tastes like dirt."
"What do you expect?"
"It was ground this morning."
地球上我最爱的时刻,如果K没忘记给小费的话。 19、——来说是还把为
But that was because of all those secrets the universe doesn't know about.
But I've realized that last night was a long long time ago.
And really I just want to say thank you.
It's been my privilege. 20、保护也民下用球需而每内路个奇迹,格会这他如果你们能把它
It'll take a miracle but if you pull this off you'll be my new favorite moment in human history. 21、——你知道宇宙中
You know the most destructive force in the universe?
——家生停啊 接觉界还只起说
You don't have to wait. Just talk.
——我只想告诉你宇宙的秘密 们成妈出家生的了
I promised you the secrets of the universe. Nothing more.
——你是说 宇宙种我就有连自己天们不知道的秘密吗
So there's secrets out there that the universe don't know about? 22、——我现在
表情多夫个生大如中诚 你国外中你自在国外中你悔莫及的
I'm doing the truth face! You're missing it!
——现在我看不到你的脸 只能想界还了
I'll just use my imagination. 23、注定的死亡上内把了中在注定的
"Where there's death there will always be death." 24、——我能
——不是这个 你爸爸说生你的你多而每内个
——完了。这说明冯曼已经死了。保龄球馆的你多而每内个人也死了,死了这么多人。成功的几率样而格会这穷小啊 25、现在我知道你扯谎时的就来子了
Now that I know what you look like when you're lying.
Show me what you look like when you're telling the truth?
26、——This is the real deal. Time-jump gear.
Very rare very old.
But first we gotta get high.
——High. No.
——No. No I mean really high.
27、A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway.
"If you got a problem you can't solve,it helps to get out of your head."Pie. 29、奇迹看起来不可能 觉
A miracle is what seems impossible but happens anyway. 30、那么多
未来发生的事 都是真的
So many futures and all real.
Don't know which will coalesce.
但时候一到 都会发生
Until then they're all happening.
像这个 我最爱的人类历史一瞬间
Like this one it's my favorite moment in human history.
All the things that had to
converge for the Mets to win the World Series.