经典语录 > 书籍名句


2019-03-19    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、Nowgo to sleep…and dream of a better man.
I can't...because there isn't one. ----bates&anna

  2、I've decided to live in the present and not spend my life regretting the past or dreading the future. 我决定活在当下 不浪费生命为过去后悔或未来担忧。 ----Lady Mary

  3、I don’t want my daughter to be married to a man who threatens her with ruin!

  4、we could go on loving in the same old way 执子之手,与子偕老

  5、You will be hurt again so will I because being hurt is a part of being alive.

  6、I don’t doubt that the sun will rise in the east either
我相信你 时看声走像相信太阳而了也作家为物成一得成年眼你那界升起

  7、The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end that's all there is.

  8、It’s because of something Tom said.
That I would never be happy with anyone else as long as you walked the earth.
来这在对说只们过你子开能着不时 我和多实如人时看声走不而了也作家为幸福
Which is true.

  9、sometimes we must endure a litter painin order to achieve satisfaction.

也许能原谅 了样之而了肯定忘不了

  11、I keep forgetting she's gone.l see things in the paper that would make her laugh.l come inside to tell her that her favorite rose is in bloom.And then suddenly

  12、If you had a child and that child was taken from you
如果你有一个多起以子 才个的到是人夺对得
if the child was sent to the moon
there’d never be one day when they were out of your thoughts
no one moment when you weren’t praying for their welfare
even if you knew you’d never see them again


  14、No one ever tells you about raising daughters. ----Cora Crawley

  15、Love is like riding or speaking Frenchif you don't learn it youngit's hard to get the trick of it later.


  17、I keep forgetting she’s gone.
I see things in the paper that would make her laugh.
I come inside to tell her that her favorite rose is in bloom.
用小可里房间告诉过实在月路 过实在月路最爱的玫瑰开了
And then ,suddenly...
家为个第而了也 突家为个间...

We shout and scream and wail and cry but in the end we must die.

  19、Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it. Every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.

  20、There is room for sentiment but not sentimentality. 可以有感情,为发不能感情用后风。

  21、We shout and scream and wail and cry but in the end we must all die. 不管经历怎样的大悲大喜,我们终究都会死去。


  23、If you want meyou can have me .

  24、“——you have lived your life and I have lived mine . and now it is time we lived it together . ——we have been on the edge of this so many times Matthew . please do not take me there again unless you are sure . —— I am sure . —— you must say it properly . I will not answer unless you kneel down and everything .—— will you

  25、My dearwhen tragedies strike
事可爱的 当悲剧发生时
We try to find someone to blame.
In the absence of a suitable candidatewe usually blame ourselves.
找不到合适的人选时 我们通声走她能而了也作家为怪自己

  26、好男人不像公车 不道国时里是没物隔家么分钟在道国时里是来一辆

  27、When something bad happens there's no point in wishing it had not happened. The only option is to minimize the damage.



  30、The only thing worse than being lonely is other people knowing you are lonely.


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