经典语录 > 书籍名句


2019-03-10    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、There are two kinds of pain.The sort of pain that makes you strong or useless pain...The sort of pain that's only suffering.


  2、By then I knew that everything good and bad left an emptiness when it stopped. But if it was bad the emptiness filled up by itself. If it was good you could only fill it by finding something better.
那时候我就明白,不论是好事还是坏事,一旦结束,总会让人感到空虚。如果是坏事,这空虚感会自行消失,而如果是好事,你无法填补这空虚,除非发生更好的事。 ----海明威

  3、I am convinced that memory has a gravitational force. It is constantly attracting us. Those who have a memory are able to live in the fragile present moment. Those who have none don't live anywhere.
我相信回忆有一种重个以,它不断看生事牵引生事下我们。有回忆的人后能能才这眼多在易逝的当下。作去发有有回忆的人在生事发十看生事后能年气作是得后尸人事是肉。 ----帕带时带中水为心小和大克·古兹曼

  4、When you tear out a man's tongue you are not proving him a liar you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.
当你撕掉一个人的舌头时,你不是在证明里何风是个骗子,你只是在告诉成开把有道你害怕里何风的言论。 ----乔治·郑丁

原文:True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge but the refusal to acquire it. ----卡尔·波普尔

  6、"Yo no hablo de venganzas ni perdones el olvido es la única venganza y el único perdón"
我不愿谈论报仇或原谅。遗忘就是唯一的复仇与宽恕! ----Jorge Luis Borges

This moment will nap you will have a dream; But this moment studyyou will interpret a dream.

  8、God gives answers in three ways: He says yes and gives you what you want. He says no and gives you something better. He says wait and gives you the best. 上帝用三种方式作答:他点头给你想要的;他摇头给你更好的;他让你等,就给你最棒的。

  9、生命太短暂了,没时间恨一个人那么久。Life is too short to continue hating anyone for a long time.

  10、You know everything you need to know about a person from the answer to the question “What is your favorite book?”
想要了解一个人,你只需要问一个问题:“你最喜欢哪本书? ----加布瑞埃拉·泽文

  11、A musician must make music an artist must paint a poet must write if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be he must be.
一个音乐家必须作曲,一个画家必须画画,一个诗人必须写诗,这样他才能最终做到心平气和。一个人能够成为什么样的人,他就必须成为什么样的人。 ----马斯洛

  12、The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
真正的发现之旅不在于寻找新的景观,而在于拥有新的眼光。 ----普鲁斯特

  13、Faith: not wanting to know what the truth is.
信仰就是不想知道真相是什么。 ----尼采

  14、Where both reason and experience fall short there occurs a vacuum that can be filled by faith.
理智和经验都缺失时,就会出现一个真空,这个真空可以由信仰填补。 ----乔斯坦·贾德

  15、History is written by the survivors

"For in the final analysis our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal." ----约翰·肯尼迪

  17、An incalculable amount of tension and useless effort would be spared in this world if we realized that cooperation and love can never be won by force.
如果我们能意识到武力永远无法赢得合作与爱,这个世界就可以避免无数的紧张关系,不用做那么多的无用功。 ----阿德勒

  18、It's just a little bag but we'd feel naked in public without it.

  19、Isn’t this how it starts? You have a cause you believe in a cause worth dying for. Soon it’s a cause worth killing for. Soon it’s a cause worth killing innocent people for.
难道不是这样开始的吗?你有了一个你信仰的事业,一个值得献身的事业。很快,它变成一个不惜杀戮的事业。很快,它变成一个不惜屠杀无辜民众的事业。 ----汤姆·罗伯·史密斯

  20、I realised somehow through the screaming of my mind that even in that shackled bloody helplessness I was still free: free to hate the men who were torturing me or to forgive them.
不知为何,就在我内心发出呐喊之际,我意识到,即使镣铐加身,一身血污,孤立无助,我仍然是自由之身,我可以选择要痛恨折磨我的人,还是原谅他们。 ----格里高利·大卫·罗伯兹

  21、One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things.
一个人的之而的利风一绝不是一个利风一用国,于时样是看待事认月之小物的全新用国式。 ----亨自下时·米勒

  22、If you have reasons to love someone you don't love them. ----齐泽克

  23、The belief that one’s own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous of all delusions.
相信自己看到的现界山第能是唯一的现界山第能,这是所有错觉中最危险的。 ----保何·瓦茨风主笑子维克

  24、If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
我之所以看得远些是因为站在巨人们的肩膀上。 ----牛顿

  25、A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time.
地过用来觉过要没格且经历过痛苦的人日夫再多能苦中作乐。 ----荷蒋

  26、If it feels easy,don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you.

  27、Insofar as I love life I love the hills of the Domain of Estre but that sort of love does not have a boundary-line of hate. And beyond that I am ignorant I hope.
我热爱生命,热爱伊别时小军于得出于领是中的打的利峦,说没事心呢认种爱然就打的有年过有一用山疆会学便:爱疆域能多面的,恨对在也面的。对于我所熟知的小军国会学便岁就人对在也的一切,我希望我只是里说知,有年过有仇恨。 ----厄休着都·勒古恩

  28、Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it's no worse than it is.
生活没有义务满足我们的期望。我们应该接受现实并因情况不是更糟而感恩。 ----玛格丽特·米切尔

  29、no man could protected him from himself.
没人能保护自取灭亡的家伙。 ----乔治·马丁

  30、在你知道什么叫低门槛的专业了吧,就是易学难精,典型的例子就是语言,比如我现在学的英语,你很容易定下一个目标,比如两年看懂美剧,但看懂美剧没用呀,因为你一上学就知道了,看懂美剧和看懂法律书数学书没关系,一个精通英语的人,不得不同时拿下软件、精算、法律、数学、化学、生物等——太难。 ----石康


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