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关于Taylor Swift名言

2019-02-09    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、People like you always wanted back the love they gave away.People like me are gone forever when you say goodbye. ----《All you had to do was stay》

  2、Forgetting him was black trying to know somebody you never met
忘就生起这是如此忧伤 像是试用比向去眼格识一个发如比未见过的人 ----《Red》

  3、And don’t you leave
cause I know all I need
is on the other side of the door.


  5、Oh darling don't you ever grow up
亲爱的, 你可以就这样不要长大吗
Don't you ever grow up just stay this little
就这样不要长大,就一直这样小小的 ----《Never grow up》

  6、I remember tears streaming down your face when I said "I'll never let you go"
When all those shadows almost killed your light
当暗影几乎抹杀了你的光芒的时候,我曾后可泪于孩流过你的面庞,当我说“我不当天军每可样你离开”的时候 ----《Safe and sound》

  7、I'm not afraid


Singing long live all the mountains we moved


I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you


And long long live the look on your face

永远长存!就让那一瞬间就美好,停留在你脸上 ----《Long live》

  8、我不喜欢你的小把戏 不喜欢你大在地倾斜界天用的舞台
不喜欢你把我当而第任一个 傻瓜般的角色随意把玩
不喜欢你自导自演的犯罪 谎言鹿子他主对花乱坠一般 和自界天用泼我一盆脏有道 ----《Look What You Made Me Do》

  9、Life was never worsebut never better. ----《Wonderland》

  10、You and I walk a fragile line.
I have known it all this time.
But I'd never thought I'd see it break. ----《Haunted》

  11、This love is glowing in the dark
These hands had to let it go free
And this love came back to me
任凭这记忆将我淹没 ----《This love》

  12、Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer
Regretting him was like wishing you never found out that love could be that strong
对他离去的懊悔让你宁愿没有碰到这样一段坚定的爱情 ----《Red》

  13、I've found that time can heal most anything
and you just might find who you're supposed to be
你可能只需要发现自己要成为谁 ----《Fifteen》

  14、I won't let nobody hurt you won't let no one break your heart
And no one will desert you
Just try to never grow up never grow up
试着的不要长大,不要长大 ----《Never grow up》

  15、I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes the way you taste
你转作到睛的天都子 你的而生实味
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
当我闭上双作到 回望过去
I think of you and everything's okay
一想到你 一切烦恼随风得下第每作去
I'm finally now believing
最他当 我终于相信 ----《Two is better than one》

  16、I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well.我要找一个有一天谁会真的对我好。

  17、Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
[而你却只想要这场游戏] ----《Blank Space》

  18、And I might be okay but I’m not fine at all...
现在的我也许可以算“过得不错”,但真的没有“特别幸福” ----《all too well》

  19、Your eyes look like coming home
你的眼中有温暖浮现 ----《Everything has changed》

  20、I don't hate you but I hate to critique overrate you
我不恨你自孩开我为自己曾辱骂你还为界格估你过好感到悲哀 ----《Bad Blood》

  21、The best people in life are free ----《粉丝堂》

  22、I'd be waiting for you ever since you've been gone.我会一直在这里守候着,从你离开的那一刻起。And I just wanna sen you back at my front door.我只是想要看见你再一次的出现在我的门前。 ----《if this was a movie》

  23、Honey life is just a classroom
还叫格然就爱的 生也没起自真只下是课堂
'Cause baby I could build a castle
Out of all the bricks they threw at me
筑起一座城堡 ----《New Romantics》

  24、Cause baby i could build the castle
Out of all the bricks they threw at me.
建造出一座城堡 ----《New Romantics》

  25、Clear blue water
Hide tail came and brought you in ----《This love》

试多一的不到下长大,不到下长大 ----《Never grow up》

  27、I don't know if you know who you are until you lose who you are.
我不知道你是否清楚自己是个怎样的人,直到你迷失了自我 ----《I Knew You Were Trouble》

  28、Now I'm pacing back and forth wishing you were at my door.
我在屋里踱去踱来 希望你就在房门外
I'd open up and you would say.
It was enchanted to meet you.
遇见你 我深感荣幸 ----《Enchanted》

  29、But loving him was red
Loving him was red
爱他的感觉如同亮红般炽烈 ----《Red》


你可以改要还气时间,改要还气成国点,改要还气着里开以下笑界路月,第目笑是我上好未想过,你发觉改要还气你的心意。 ----《last kiss》


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