最新的《神秘博士》名句欣赏大全 2019-02-24 作者:佚名 来源:网络 1、他就是不肯,是不是?那个不可思议的人,他就是不肯放弃。 2、Happy ever after doesn't mean foreverIt just means time...A little time 3、Every body knows that eVery body diesbut no one know it like the doctor.I do believe that every sky of every stars would all turn to dark if just one moment he ever gives up. ----The doctor 4、Sorry,sorry dropped it. Hello Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica takes the universe. But bad news everyone. . . . . . Cos guess who? ! Ha! Listen you lot you’re all whizzing about it’s really very distracting. Could you all just stay a minute? Because I AM TALKING! 5、You watch us run. ----The doctor 6、Time mends us. It can mend anything. 7、每个人都知道人总有一死,但不是每一天,不是今天。 8、Oh look at my girl look at her go! BIGGER ON THE INSIDE! That’s your problem. Size of a planet but inside you’re just so small! Finish him off girl. 9、遗忘是人类的超能力。 10、-"It's hard to leave when you haven't said goodbye."-"Then tell me because I don't know how do I say it."-"There is only one way I would accept.If you ever loved me Say it like you are going to come back." ----神秘博士-River Song and the 11th doctor 11、It's funny. I thought if you could hear me I could hang on somehow. Silly me. Silly old Doctor.When you wake up you'll have a mum and dad.....And you won't even remember me.Well you'll remember me a little. I'll be a story in your head. 12、RUN YOUR CLEVER BOYAND BE A DOCTOR ----Clara Oswin Oswald 13、We all change.But when you think about it.We're all different people all through our lives.And that's OK that's good you've got to keep movingso long as you remember all the people that you used to be.I will not forget one line of this not one day.I swear I will always remember when the Doctor was me. 14、Didn't anyone ever tell you? There's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence if you have any plans about seeing tomorrowthere's one thing you never ever put in a trap... Me. 15、茫茫宇宙The universe is big.是很广袤复杂 甚至是荒诞的It's vast and complicated and ridiculous有的时候 很少的时候And sometimes very rarely不可能的事情就这么发生了 我们称之为奇迹Impossible things just happen and we call them miracle就是这么回事And that's the theory. 16、Ripplestidel wavesrules……I'm not supposed to.涟漪,巨浪,规则……我不能打破它。 ----第十二任博士 17、I'm the doctorI'm a time lordI from planet Gallifrey by constellation Kasterborous.I'm 903 years oldand I'm the man who's gonna save your life and all 6 billion people on the planet below.allons-y!我是博士,我是时间领主,我来自Kasterborous星座的行星Gallifrey.我903岁了,我可以拯救你的生命,和你下面这个星球上的60亿人。Let's go! 18、Nothe world don't need me.不,这个世界不需要我。 19、All anyone will ever tell you is 他们只会告诉你That when the wind stands fair and the night is perfect... 当清风徐来 夜色正美When you least expect it... 于你最不经意之时But always... 却往往When you need it the most... 于你最需要之时There is a song 歌声(Song)便会降临 20、当天黑了,星星出来了,我会抬头仰望,代她,仰望天空,想着你。When it gets darkand the stars come outI'll look up on her behalf.I will up the sky.And think of you. 21、The towers sang and you cried. You wouldn't tell me why but I suppose you knew it was time. My time. Time to come to the Library. You even gave me your screwdriver; that should've been a clue. ----river 22、对我来说,梵高是史上最杰出的画家,没有之一,在任何时期绝对都是最知名、最伟大的画家,最受敬仰的。他把生活中的痛苦磨难转化成了画布上激情洋溢的美。痛苦很容易表现,但如何糅合热情与痛苦来表现人世间的激情、喜悦、壮丽,前无古人,也许,也后无来者。他徜徉在普罗旺斯的田野,不仅是世界上最伟大的画家,同时作为一个人类个体,也是同样伟大的。 23、I've seen whole armies turn and run away and he'd just swagger off back to his TARDIS and open the doors with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor in the TARDIS. Next stop: everywhere. ----river 24、伤感有什么好?对深沉的人来说,伤感就是快乐。 25、It doesn't matter where you arein the jungle or the desert or the moon.However lost you may feelyou'll never really be lost.Not really.Because I'll always be here.And I'll always come and find you.Every single time.不管你身在何处,在丛林中、沙漠里,或是远在月球,不管你感觉如何迷失,你永远都不会真的迷失,永远不会。因为我永远都在,我总会找到你的,每一次都会。 26、从不相信拥抱,拥抱只是一种不让别人看到自己的脸的方式而已。Never trust hug hug is a kind of don't let others see their face way. ----史蒂文·莫法特、菲尔·福特等等 27、I always rip out the last page of a book.Then it doesn't have to end.I hate endings.我总是把书的最后一页撕掉,这样它就不用结束了。我讨厌结束。 28、The Doctor: River you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear! There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I....River:Hush now ----river 29、组成你身体的所有元素都是千百万年前在一颗遥远的星球核心里造就的,那颗星星后来爆炸了,逝去了。爆炸使得那些元素四散开来,遍布在宇宙深处的荒原中。自那以后,经过了上百万年,这些元素又重新聚在一起形成了新的恒星与行星。就这么随着时间周而复始,这些元素聚合起来又分崩离析,构成了鞋子、船只、封口蜡以及王,直到最后它们聚在一起构成了你。你是宇宙中最独特的。世上只有一个Merry Gejelh,绝不会再有第二个。 30、和博士一起奔跑,就像没有止尽,但不管怎么努力,也不能永远奔跑,每个人都知道人总有一死,但没有人像博士那样透彻,但我真的认为,哪怕他有一刻放弃,所有世界的所有天空,都会即刻变得黑暗。 版权声明:以上文章中所选用的图片及文字来源于网络以及用户投稿,由于未联系到知识产权人或未发现有关知识产权的登记,如有知识产权人并不愿意我们使用,请联系我们删除。 神秘博士句子摘抄阅读:194 评论:0 上一条 最经典的《破茧成蝶》经典的句子 下一条 最全的《神赌狂后》名句欣赏