经典语录 > 书籍名句


2019-02-10    作者:佚名    来源:网络

  1、I have made all the calculations; fate will do the rest.
(我谋事,天成事。) ----拿破仑

  2、I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。 ----罗杰·阿勒斯吗,罗伯·明科夫

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. ----丘吉尔

  4、Love is not about Possession its all about Appreciation.

  5、The more people you love the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。

"Don't melodramatic the dead of night alone with the don't look back.

Old soldiers never die they just fade away
麦克阿瑟 ----道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟

  8、My motto has always been: A career open to all talents without distinctions of birth.
(我的箴言一贯如此:英雄不问来路。) ----拿破仑

  9、Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. ——Douglas MacArthur?
岁月使皮肤起皱,放弃使灵魂起皱。——道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟 ----道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟

  10、The wheel turns nothing is ever new. 时过境迁,烂事依然。

  11、Isn't being a dog part of being human?What if that's the best part of youthe dog part?What if you're really just a two-leggde dog. 狗性也是人性的一部分吧?说不定它是你最好的部分,说不定你就是两条腿的狗。

  12、Anger begins with folly and ends in repentance.
愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终 ----毕达哥拉斯

  13、Everybody got lose to know how to win我们都在战胜生活的路上不断失败(自己译的出入有点大不过我觉得这样好听点) ----Aerosmith

  14、You can’t force somebody to fall in love with you. But you can definitely improve your odds.
你不能强迫一个人爱上你,但起码你可以制造机会。/In my experiencesoe of the most successful relationships are based on lies and deceit.Since that's where they usually end up anywayit's a logical place to start.


  15、We shout and scream and wail and cry but in the end we must all die. 不管经历怎样的大悲大喜,我们终究都会死去。

  16、You see madness as you know is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!


A ture friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else believes the smile on your face.

  19、If equal affection cannot be let the more loving one be me.
若深情不能对等,愿爱得更多的人是我。 ----W·H·奥登

  20、Sie sind die Essen und wir sind die J?ger!

  21、It’s what you do right now that makes a difference.

  22、Alone is what I have.Alone protects me.
Nofriends protects people.
不对,保护我们的是朋友。 ——华生

  23、if you are walking in the hell keep walking! ----丘吉尔

  24、What ever your mind can conceive and believerit can achiever.
只要你想得到,只要你相信,就一定能做到! ----拿破仑


  26、Let life be beautiful like summer flowersdeath like autumn leaves.
使生如夏花般绚烂,死如秋叶般静美 ----泰戈尔

  27、I'm so lost but not afraid I've been broken and raise again .

  28、Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.
金融是一把枪。政治是知道什么时候扣动扳机。 ----马里奥·普佐

  29、You can die for your country I'm gonna live for mine.

  30、In the end it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.


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