

2021-10-27    作者:佚名    来源:网络

【#英语资源# 导语】万圣节也叫鬼节,为每年的11月1日,10月31日被称为万圣节前夕。但国内往往直接用“万圣节”指“万圣节前夜”。下面是©[无 忧考 网]整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  It is necessary to popularize the term Halloween. Halloween is a foreign festival, commonly known as ghost festival. It is said that ghosts in hell come to the world on Halloween and find suitable people to attach themselves. Therefore, on this day, people should dress up as ghosts and ask each family for sugar! That's how Halloween is spent.

  Halloween is not a Chinese festival, nor is it a festival that Chinese people have to celebrate, but an important festival for foreigners, just like our Spring Festival. We experience it, not that people in the streets dress up as ghosts.

  This Halloween in our class, alas, it was a happy day! The whole class jumped with joy, especially in the afternoon.

  In the afternoon, I walked into the classroom and was ready to prepare my lessons immediately, but I saw a group of people in the class begging for something like beggars. I also joined in the fun. I didn't know. I was shocked when I saw that a classmate was sharing sugar with a big bag of sugar! I saw the greedy hands of my classmates and their bright eyes. I thought it was funny. However, in the end, I didn't resist the temptation of food. I stretched out those two fat little hands, and the classmate gave me a sugar. Just give it to me, I open the sugar paper, put the sugar into my mouth, and then swallow the sugar into my stomach. That sugar is really sweeter than honey!

  After a while, I got three more sweets. I still swallowed them like the first one, but I was still not very satisfied! The more you eat, the more you want to eat. There are many people in the class chewing bubble gum, blowing a big bubble and breaking the bubble. Then many people blow bubbles together. That's really funny, and it's really Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magic powers. Bubbles are bigger and bigger, which makes people like me who can't even blow bubbles have a small sense of inferiority. Sobbing

  A "Halloween afternoon" has passed. It's sad to have fun. Look, the classroom is full of candy paper and eaten bubble gum. Alas, it's hard for the students on duty!

  Our Halloween is wonderful enough! You can not only be happy, but also report your own blessings. What a happy Halloween! It's the consequence after Halloween. It's a little sad... But I'm very happy!


  Our class had a group activity on Friday night, that is, going to Happy Valley for Halloween. I'm Batman. All the girls are witches. As for our boys, they all wear all kinds of ghost masks.

  We first arrived at the first haunted house: the deadly workshop. Soon after we went in, two zombies with bloody hands suddenly appeared. It scared me to death. It's said that a classmate was touched by a bloody hand. It's terrible. But this haunted house is too short, isn't it?

  Next came the second haunted house: the snow world. After entering, we went to a room with many dead people hanging on the ceiling. We had to squat down and walk. Go on and enter another room. There is a frame on the wall with a mummy in it. Then the frame is closed. Then I stepped forward carefully. Suddenly, the frame came down again, and the mummy leaned out to catch people. I dashed across the room to a flight of stairs. I walked slowly forward. SOS distress signals were everywhere on the wall. Through the stairs, we came to a path. There was a door on the right side of the path. When we got to the door, the door suddenly opened and a zombie came out. We ran forward quickly. There is another road behind. There is a net on both sides of the road. There are zombies in the net. We should reach out and eat people. We rushed across the road quickly. Then I came to a crumbling bridge. In the middle of the bridge, there was a net next to it. There were more frightening brains and other things in it. I was scared and rushed out of the haunted house. My experience has left me out of my mind. It's so scary!

  After walking out of the "Snow World" haunted house, we walked aimlessly. We suddenly met a ghost hanging on the bridge. We felt very strange and didn't go forward. As a result, another tourist was hit by a hanging ghost. We had to step aside and leave. Then we went to another haunted house, but I didn't dare to go. Further on, we saw an old man with a green lantern (let's call him crazy old man). When he saw us, he suddenly chased us. We ran away quickly, but the crazy old man kept chasing us. We ran harder, and he finally stopped. Just when we wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, unexpectedly, the crazy old man came after us again! We had to run. In the end, the guy finally gave up.

  What a terrible day! After entering the haunted house, he was chased by the crazy old man again. What a tragedy! When I left Happy Valley, I seemed to be shaking all over. I felt that I had a thrilling Halloween this time.


  The clock pointed to 7:30. As usual, I hurried to school with my schoolbag. As soon as I entered the school gate, I felt that some great changes had taken place today. Oh! At the school gate, a large and bright advertisement was hung on the side, which read "Tianchang Halloween Carnival begins!" it turned out that it was Halloween tomorrow, and my heart was suddenly excited.

  When I came to the door of the classroom, I was stunned by the scene in front of me. The newly hung black curtain was half hung and half lifted. A skeleton with white hair, grinning teeth and ferocious face was hanging on the door frame and shaking my head in the wind. If I hadn't been prepared for ghost day, I would have been scared to call my mother! But today I'm not afraid. On the contrary, I think the skull is very cute. I even want to kiss it. Looking into the classroom again, there was a huge spider web on the corner, and several poisonous snakes were struggling painfully on the web. Look! On the speaker of the classroom, the top of the floor is covered with poisonous snakes, and the fluorescent lamp is covered with many bats that drink human blood. A hair raising skeleton is flying into the classroom from the window next to my seat. Do they also come to participate in the carnival of our class?

  Look again, on the shelf next to the computer desk, there are boxes of full and mouth watering 'sweets, which indicates that tomorrow will be a happy festival.

  Like me, every student in the class was infected by the atmosphere as soon as he entered the door. Some students couldn't help touching the soft white hair of the skull and walked into the classroom with a smile; When some students see the lanterns hanging above the blackboard, they can't help approaching to turn on the switch of the lanterns to see if they can light up. Huang Yiwei, in particular, saw him running around excitedly with a poisonous snake made of white flannelette in his hand. He was very happy.

  The festive atmosphere rippled around our class, and the students of other classes couldn't stand it. In twos and threes, they came to the door of our class, raised the curtain and looked in. Some even took cameras and patted East and West in the classroom. They probably came to learn how to decorate the classroom. The most interesting thing is that when two female students saw the skeleton hanging at the door, they politely said "hello" to the skeleton. After a little hesitation, they looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

  The festive atmosphere enveloped our whole class, and the happy atmosphere filled our hearts. I am looking forward to, looking forward to tomorrow's principal Lou dressed as a pirate and teacher Wang dressed as something to revel with us.


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