

2021-09-16    作者:佚名    来源:网络

【#英语资源# 导语】中秋节,又称祭月节、月光诞、月夕、秋节、仲秋节、拜月节、月娘节、月亮节、团圆节等,是中国民间的传统节日。中秋节源自天象崇拜,由上古时代秋夕祭月演变而来。以下是©[无忧#考网]为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  hello everyone!

  The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. On August 15 of the lunar calendar, it is the second largest traditional festival in China after the Spring Festival.

  August 15 is just in the middle of autumn, so it is called the Mid Autumn Festival. According to historical records, the word "Mid Autumn Festival" first appeared in Zhou Li. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Mid Autumn Festival did not become a fixed festival until the early Tang Dynasty. The prevalence of the mid autumn festival began in the Song Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was as famous as new year's day and became one of the main festivals in China.

  On this day of the Mid Autumn Festival, the full moon in the sky is particularly bright, especially big and round. Therefore, this day is regarded as a great day for reunion. It is also known as the most human and poetic Festival. Some people say that they miss their relatives every festival. Of course, the Mid Autumn Festival will be more deeply missed, especially when the moon is high. Don't forget to let the true love greeting card give greetings and blessings to relatives and friends far away. The moon hangs high on the night of reunion. Therefore, it is also called "reunion day" on August 15.

  Through the ages, people often use "full moon" and "lack of moon" to describe "joys and sorrows". Wandering children living in other places place their deep feelings on the moon. Li Bai's poems of the Tang Dynasty, "raise your head to look at the bright moon and bow your head to think of your hometown", Du Fu's "the dew is white from the night, and the moon is the hometown of Ming", and Wang Anshi's poems of the Song Dynasty, "the spring breeze has the South Bank of the green river, and when the bright moon shines on me", are all unique songs through the ages.    Now on the Mid Autumn Festival, people all over the country can also enjoy a one-day holiday and family reunion!

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  The Mid Autumn Festival has a long history. Like other traditional festivals, it is also slowly developed and formed. Ancient emperors had the ritual system of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and the moon in autumn. As early as Zhou Li, the word "Mid Autumn Festival" has been recorded. Later, nobles and scholars of letters followed suit. In the Mid Autumn Festival, they looked at the bright and round moon in the sky, watched and worshipped and reposed their feelings. This custom spread to the people and formed a traditional activity. Until the Tang Dynasty, people paid more attention to this custom of sacrificing the moon, and the mid autumn festival became a fixed festival.

  It is said that in ancient times, there were ten days in the sky at the same time. The crops withered and the people were miserable. A hero named Hou Yi had infinite power. He sympathized with the suffering people, climbed to the top of Kunlun Mountain, transported his divine power, opened his divine bow, shot more than nine suns in one breath, and strictly ordered the last sun to rise and fall on time for the benefit of the people.

  Hou Yi was respected and loved by the people. Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind wife named Chang'e. In addition to passing on his skills and hunting, Hou Yi stayed with his wife all day. People envied this loving couple.

  Many people with lofty ideals came to join the army to learn arts, and the evil minded Yun Meng also mixed in.

  One day, Hou Yi went to Kunlun mountain to visit friends and ask for a way. He happened to meet the queen mother who passed by, so he asked the queen mother for a bag of immortal medicine. It is said that taking this medicine can immediately ascend to heaven and become an immortal. However, Hou Yi was reluctant to leave his wife, so he had to give the immortal medicine to Chang'e for collection. Chang'e hid the medicine in the treasure box on the dresser. Unexpectedly, she was seen by the villain. He wanted to take the immortal medicine and become an immortal himself.

  Three days later, Hou Yi led his disciples out to hunt. The sinister Rumeng pretended to be ill and stayed. Soon after Hou Yi and his people left, Pang Meng broke into the backyard of the house with a sword and forced Chang'e to hand over the elixir. Chang'e knew she was not Meng's opponent. When she was in danger, she made a quick decision, turned to open the treasure box, took out the undead medicine and swallowed it. Chang'e swallowed the medicine and immediately floated off the ground, rushed out of the window and flew to the sky. Because Chang'e was worried about her husband, she flew to the moon nearest to the world and became an immortal.

  In the evening, Hou Yi returned home, and the maids cried about what had happened during the day. Hou Yi was shocked and angry. He took out his sword to kill the villain. Yun Meng fled early. Hou Yi was so angry that he beat his chest and feet. He was devastated. He looked up at the night sky and called his wife's name. At this time, he was surprised to find that today's moon was particularly bright and bright, and there was a shaking figure that looked like Chang'e. He tried his best to chase the moon, but he chased three steps, the moon retreated three steps, he retreated three steps, the moon stepped three steps, and he couldn't catch up with him anyway.

  Hou Yi was helpless and missed his wife, so he had to send someone to Chang'e's favorite back garden, put a incense table, put her favorite honey and fresh fruit, and offer a distant sacrifice to Chang'e in the Moon Palace. After hearing the news that Chang'e became an immortal, the people set up incense tables under the moon to pray for good luck and peace to the kind Chang'e.

  Since then, the custom of worshipping the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival has spread among the people.

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  The Mid Autumn Festival is on August 15 of the lunar calendar. It is not only China's traditional Mid Autumn Festival, but also the second largest traditional festival in China after the Spring Festival. Also known as Mid Autumn Festival, reunion festival and August Festival, it is a traditional festival for the Han nationality and most ethnic minorities in China. It is also popular in neighboring countries such as North Korea, Japan and Vietnam. It is called the mid autumn festival because August is in the middle of July, August and September in autumn (referring to the lunar calendar), and fifteen is in the middle of the thirty days in August. Therefore, the vast moon is in the sky, and there are more people than family reunion on this night, so it is also called reunion festival.

  The Mid Autumn Festival originated from the custom of autumn worship and moon worship in ancient China. The book of rites contains "the son of heaven, the sun in spring, the moon in autumn, the sun in the morning and the moon in the evening." here, "Xi Yue" means worshipping the moon. The Han Dynasty has taken shape. In the Tang Dynasty, the custom of enjoying the moon began to prevail and was designated as the Mid Autumn Festival. Ouyang Zhan said in the preface to the poetry of playing with the moon in Chang'an: "August begins in autumn. The season begins and ends in Meng; 15 in the night, and in the clouds of the moon. If it is checked in the way of heaven, it will be cold and summer. If it is taken in the number of months, it will be a round toad soul, so it is called the Mid Autumn Festival."

  Under the influence of this ancient tradition, China has always had such a custom that every family has a reunion dinner every Mid Autumn Festival, which makes many relatives and friends gather together today. This is a very exciting thing, which makes many people in other places return to their warm homes and enjoy the warmth of home.

  Moon cakes are also a symbol of reunion. Su Dongpo wrote in a poem: "small cakes are like chewing the moon, with crispness and malt". Yang Guangfu of the Qing Dynasty wrote: "moon cakes are filled with peach meat, ice cream and sugar cream". It can be seen that the moon cakes at that time were already "cakes" and "months" with certain significance.

  Thank you!


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