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2019-03-22    作者:佚名    来源:网络



  Love is the highest and most beautiful love. How does my mother feel grateful for my mother's concern for me?

  Today I used to look at the calendar: ah! Today is mother's day. I hastened to go to school with my money. On the way I guess what I should give to my mother. It's my three years' habit of giving up a gift to give my mother on Mother's day.

  Speaking of mother's day I heard it three years ago. At that time I was very childish and sent a tender letter written by myself. Mother grasped the letter and was happy. The year before last I sent a bottle of brilliant nail polish sparkling and transparent sparkling with crystal powder. Mom likes it as well. Last year I was ingenious. I sent 8 beautiful carnations to my mother. My mother smelled flowers and hugged me tightly.

  This year I was a student in grade four. I learned a wonderful cooking and decided to cook a delicious meal for my family. But for mom this is a mother's Day gift.

  When I went out to buy vegetables I skipped across the streets and lanes to the market with my basket. There was a rush and people were coming and going. Now I really regret that I refuse to eat grow so short and always be pressed by tall people. The vegetables here are fresh and have many kinds. I was carrying a basket of food and the food almost overwhelmed me. Look there's a sea of people. So I squeezed in and there was a bunch of flowers on the ground beautiful and anxious! I bought a bunch of Kang Naixing. With so many things I came home clumsily.

  When her mother came back she saw that all the tables were delicious. "Dinner dinner!" I raised my voice and shouted. The whole family praised me for eating especially my mother.

  I don't know how good my cooking is but I can't compare with my mother. Why did my mother praise me my mother's concern and my mother's love touched me? Thinking with...









  Every May 11th is mother's day which is solemnly announced by American president Wilson in 1914. The government also stipulates that every household should hang the flag to show respect to her mother on Mother's day. After the founding of the mother's day it has been supported by people from all over the world. Mother's day has become a real international festival. "Carnations" have also become the most popular flower bouquets of mother's day.

  This year's mother's Day is coming again. On this special day I want to say to my mother mom how do you teach me to walk how to read write and how to calculate the answer... Though you sometimes scold me it is all time and again teaching. You have given me knowledge and taught me to be a person and help me grow. I will never forget it for all my life. Mother you are hard your love is as deep as the sea higher than the mountain your great love on Mother's day I want to offer the most beautiful "carnations" wish you as young and beautiful as flowers. Mom I have grown up and my wings are growing strong. Please rest assured I will study hard and report to you.

  Sincerely wish all mother's day in the world happy!





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