
大学英语作文:合理消费 Reasonable Consumption

2019-03-20    作者:佚名    来源:网络


  【篇一】合理消费 Reasonable Consumption

I like to make purchase since I start to shop online I will buy things once I like I just can’t control my desire. As for my mother she is not like me she barely goes shopping she buys clothes once a year. I think my mother is over thrifty she thinks me waste a lot of money. We have different views of consumption both of us don’t make the reasonable consumption.我喜欢购物,打从我开始网上购物,一旦看到喜欢的东西就买,我就是无法控制自己的欲望。对于我妈妈来说,她不像我,她几乎不购物,每年只买一次衣服。我觉得妈妈过度节俭,她却觉得我浪费很多钱。我们对消费有不同的看法,都没有合理消费的观念。

For the old generation they have experienced war and hunger so they cherish what they have and are very easy to be satisfied with the things they have they won’t spend the money to have fun because they think it is wasteful. In my opinion we are in the modern society we have lived the better life and should learn to enjoy the moment. There is no need to save all the money and do nothing.对于老一代来讲,他们经历过战争和饥饿,因此他们珍惜所拥有的,很容易满足,不会花钱去寻找娱乐,因为他们觉得这很浪费。在我看来,我们现在是处在现代社会,过上了更好的生活,应该学着去享受此刻。没有必要把钱都存起来,什么都不花。

For the young people they like to spend tomorrow’s money they don’t save the money because they spend all their salary they like to go shopping and buy what they want. It is not right to spend all the money we need to save part of it just in case of the emergent situation.对于年轻人来说,他们喜欢花明天的钱,没有存钱,因此他们花光了所有的薪水,喜欢购物,买自己想要的。花光所有的钱是不对的,我们需要把一部分存起来,以防紧急情况。

  【篇二】大学印象最深刻的同学 The Most Impressive Classmate in My College

The first time for me to go into the campus I was so excited about the college life at the same time I also worried about the person I met. Now the fact is that I meet the good guys and I make a good friend. She is my classmate and she is so brave and never hesitates. I am so impressive about her.我第一次走进校园的时候,对大学校园生活感到很兴奋,同时,我也担心要见到的人。现在事实就是我遇到的都是好人,我交到了一个好朋友。她是我的同学,她勇敢和果断。我对她印象很深刻。

In the college I meet my roommate her name is Lily she is also my classmate. As we live together we always have some contradictions but Lily considers me in the first place. She will let me do what I want and what she does will never make me uncomfortable. I am older than her but in front of her I just like a kid. Lily is fearless and I admire her so much. When there is the performance or competition Lily takes no hesitation to be part of it while I am afraid of losing face. Lily said she is enjoying the moment and that is the youth she doesn’t want to regret when she is old.在大学里,我遇到了舍友,她的名字就叫丽丽,她也是我的同学。由于我们住在一起,总会有矛盾,但是丽丽总是把我放在第一位。她会让我做自己想做的,她也不会让自己的所作所为弄得我不舒服。我比她大,但是在她面前,我就像个孩子。丽丽无所畏惧,我很佩服她。当有表演或者是竞赛的时候,她毫不犹豫就去参加,然而我却怕丢脸。丽丽说她享受这些时刻,这就是青春,她不想要在老年时候后悔。

Lily is such a brave friend I am so lucky to be her friend.丽丽是一个如此勇敢的朋友,成为她的朋友我觉得很幸运。

  【篇三】我对网络用语的看法 My View on Internet Slangs

As the development of Internet people like to use computer to do many things we can say that computer has been part of our life. People get used to reading the news and then sharing their opinion on the Internet then more and more slangs come into being. I think these slangs are good for expression but should not be used officially.随着网络的发展,人们喜欢使用电脑来做很多事情,我们可以说电脑已经成为我们生活的一部分。人们使用电脑来看新闻,然后在网络上面交流意见,越来越多的流行语开始出现。我觉得这些用语有助于表达,但是不应该被正式使用。

We can see the people make some sentence short like by the way is short for btw. At first we may not like it but when we find that everybody is expressing like this we will follow and then get used to it. Internet slangs are another way for people to express themselves it is quit short and convenient.我们可以看到人们使一些句子变短,比如“by the way”缩短为“btw”。刚开始,我们也学不喜欢,但是当我们发现大家都在这样表达时,也会跟着使用,然后开始适应。网络用语是人们表达自己的另一种方式,简洁而方便。

Though Internet slangs are favored by many people we must know it clearly that these words should not be used in official writing. Because these words will change its meaning as the time goes on sometimes people will misunderstand the meaning.虽然网络用语受到很多人的喜爱,我们必须清楚地知道这些词不应该在正式的写作中使用。因为这些词会随着时间而改变意思,有时候人们会误解意思。

Internet Slangs are very popular now it provides a way for people to communicate and we can use them in the certain situation.网络用语现在很流行,它给人们提供了一种交流的方式,我们可以在一定情形下使用。


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