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2019-11-01    作者:佚名    来源:网络


  Everyone should have a life down on feelings - Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the community Thanksgiving ... ...

  If, like me to choose my first Thanksgiving to the parents. They let me come to this colorful world, and they spared no effort to support me grow up in their harvest success, I am pleased to join with me, and sow the tears of joy; they are in my frustration, I am encouraged by, I am inspired; loud voice exhort, and look forward to a report, the parents of the heart and blood flowing from time to time in my whole body.

  If you only Thanksgiving parents may be too narrow. We would also like to live Thanksgiving. As long as grateful, then your life will be happier! Life is fair, she will not deceive you, as long as you pay, there will be a return. Despite the sometimes smooth, sometimes despite the numerous reefs; singing, even though at times laughing, even though at times sad depression. This is the life, gave us hot Suanku salt, gave us flowers and sunshine. No matter the kind of situation is that Thanksgiving should live, or where colorful?

  But also everyone around Thanksgiving. Grateful to those who encourage you, because he brought you to power; grateful for your help, because he told us what to give; spur thank you, because he removes your karma; grateful to those who have hurt you, because His temper your mind; to thank those who have deceived you, because he has enhanced your knowledge; to thank those who have abandoned you, because you have to teach him self-reliance; grateful for your trip, because he strengthens your ability to ... ...

  Thanksgiving did not know how a person, not like a fish breathe, can not survive a moment.
  Thanksgiving originated in the United States, it is a big American holiday. On Thanksgiving Day, people will be the whole family get together, eat delicious food, such as Thanksgiving Turkey and pumpkin pie, and food and they will thank, thank parents, thanks to all of the things around you. We can China although there is no Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving tradition of excellence is the source to for a long time, it reminds me of many, many...

  Since ancient times, our country is a formal state, there are "mercy is not kind, know well the report not the gentleman", "dripping of grace when yongquan", is to make people want to have a heart of gratitude, be thankful. And "a day for the teacher, lifelong for father", is to thank our teacher, "crow has the righteousness of regurgitation feeding, YangYouGuiRuZhiEn" is the reminder to know repay our parents of child...

  I've seen such a scene: a young man helped an old woman find her child, the old woman in order to thank the young man, is the most precious thing in the world to himself. Also have I seen such a scene: a friend to his deskmate borrow the eraser, after finished, not only doesn't even have words of gratitude, even put the eraser, while the he thinks it's nothing, I can't help but worry about the children's future, a person who has no gratitude is no good as.

  In our daily life, such cases were common, now only children, all was being waited on hand and foot, and they spoiled and don't know understanding parents, grateful parents, all day only know ask parents for money, buy a good fun, if the parents don't meet their demands, light blubber, the person that weigh and abusive parents. See these, I can not help but ask, who is raising them, why they haven't got a heart of gratitude, you know since we want to know from the mother's belly was born a thankful heart, what's more, their parents raise we spent much effort! How can we know for only and do not know Thanksgiving?

  As a human being, we should thank all things around, we humans are just the page chapter in the history of the earth, we will sooner or later stepped from the earth's overlord, we should thank all give us the opportunity to live on earth, water, food, air, trees, flowers and plants... Is that it allows us to survive. What can we human beings doing? Water is sewage with the color of the factory, the air is smoke smoked no longer pure and fresh, trees have been cut down and flowers be trampled... Have they ever grateful! Chickens lay eggs, chicken eggs, Thanksgiving is a continuous cycle process, if the world didn't gratitude, the earth will go quickly. So why do humans live!

  Human ah! Without gratitude like a walking corpse. Gratitude should be fostered, with a Thanksgiving heart, will have a foothold in the society. If everyone is grateful, the world will become more beautiful


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