实用文 > 评语


2019-03-21    作者:佚名    来源:网络


  Zoe is such a wonderful member of Tulip Class. Her vivacious personality and lovely smile brighten up the classroom! She is extremely intelligent and has a wide vocabulary speaking in full sentences with occasional grammatical errors. She knows several letters and will point out Z for Zoe when we play alphabet games.

  She is very affectionate and always gives me a hug and says "Goodbye Miss Nicola" when I leave. Her sunny disposition means she makes friends easily and has several friends in the class. She loves to play pretend and has a great imagination creating scenarios or building things and concentrating for a long time. Her small muscle control is getting better and she will practice something until she understands how to do it. She loves artwork and is very careful in choosing the colors and materials that she uses. She seems proud of her finished work.

  I have absolutely no doubt that Zoe will continue to do very well at school; she is energetic and eager to learn. I will miss her very much and have loved teaching her.




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