
Start loving, learn to love yourself

2019-03-25    作者:奥修OSHO    来源:奥修每日分享

  [A group member says: In the group many people told me that they love me and I was seeing that I don’t love myself enough.] 



  There are very few people in the world who love themselves – only very rare people – so relax! You are a normal person; very abnormal people love themselves! 


  eople don’t become aware of it but this group has made you aware of it. You have a clear-cut un: that’s why it became very very crystal-clear to you that you don’t love yourself. Even others could see it mm? It is on your face written on your face that you don’t love yourself. You are an honest person. 


  It is very rarely that people love themselves but it is not written on their faces. They keep two books: their real book is hidden the unreal book is on their face. You don’t have two books you have a single book. You don’t make entries so it is written on your face. It is good. You are a s person and with a s person there is a way. With the there is no way. 


  If you recognize the fact that you don’t love yourself then there is a poss that you can... because this is sheer stupidity not to love oneself. If you don’t love yourself then who is going to? If not you then who? And if not now when? 


  The first and the most fun thing is to love yourself – then others will love they will follow but nobody is going to break the ice if you don’t love yourself. But it is good that you have un it. 


  o start loving learn to love yourself be more soft with yourself. You have been taught to be hard. 


  You have tried to yourself you have tried to be in control. But it is there; it will come up. 


  From this moment start loving yourself be more tender to yourself. Don’t be hard don’t be cruel! Give a little joy to your body to your mind. It is your mind and you have to take care of it. It is your body; treat it as a temple. An things make much .... 


  You take a shower every day: you can do it very unconcernedly you can do it very lovingly. You can feel the water falling on the body. You can enjoy the feel the freshness the joy that comes to the body – how every cell of the body starts feeling fresh. You can enjoy it is your body: your body is feeling good. When you eat food you can just go on stuffing like a duty.... 


  From this moment start doing just small things mm? an three weeks you will see that that thing which was hidden has come up. 


  [Osho re what he has sa before that we are con from an early age to love everyone – parents s teachers priests – but not to love ourselves.] 


  o start loving yourself and if somebody loves you... an are so many people to love! There are two needs which are love needs: one is to love somebody and one is to be loved by somebody – and both are basic needs. Love is a -edge: it is not only that somebody should love you; it is also that you should love somebody. 


  o start loving yourself and if somebody comes an the in loving you feel grateful and don’t think that she or he is wrong. You are wrong because go creates anybody who is not worthy! Worth is in life. You are a worthy man you are an end unto yourself. 


  Treat yourself really well. Join the music group in the night dance suf. Very good! The group has helped you. 


  [The sannyasin then says: I have been almost all my life and that if my mind.... ] 


  Yes it will go! is almost always a psychological phenomenon. If you don’t love yourself what will you do with potency? It is useless! So when you don’t love yourself the body dries up. 


  tart loving and you will start flowing. Nothing to be worrie. 


  译自:OSHO The Further Shore


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