经典语录 > 经典歌词


2020-12-10    作者:    来源:网络

励志经典歌词频道收录“fever歌词 ”,歌曲歌词或悠扬,或悲伤,歌曲歌词来源于生活又高于生活,歌手通过歌曲告诉大家生活的道理,希望大家在享受音乐的同时有所收获,下面一起来欣赏下由演唱的fever歌词吧。


Fever由Eddie Cooley 和John Davenport( Otis Blackwell的化名)共同创作。这首歌是 Little Willie John 的一首流行R&B,经过改造并由Peggy Lee在其专辑 All Aglow Again中增加新歌词后,迅速传唱开来,名噪一时。与此同时,Ray Peterson 和 Earl Grant 也翻唱了这支单曲。fever歌词


Artist:various artists

Songs Title:fever

Never know how much I love you

Never know how much I care

When you put your arms around me

I get a fever that's so hard to bear

You give me fever, when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever! In the morning

Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the daytime

And moon lights up the night

I light up when you call my name

And you know, I'm gonna treat you right

You give me fever, when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever! In the morning

Fever all through the night

Everybody's got the fever

That is something you all know

Fever isn't such a new thing

Fever started long ago

Romeo loved Juliette

Juliette she felt the same

When he put his arms around her

He said Julie baby, you're my flame

Thou giveth fever, when we kisseth

Fever with thy flaming youth

Fever! I'm a fire

Fever, yeah, I burn, forsooth

Cap'in Smith and Pocahontas

Had a very mad affair

When her daddy tried to kill him

She said, Daddy, oh, don't you dare!

He gives me fever with his kisses

Fever when he holds me tight

Fever! I'm his missus

Daddy, won't you treat him right?

Now you've listened to my story

Here's the point that I have made

Chicks were born to give you fever

Be it Fahrenheit or Centigrade

Give They you fever, when you kiss them

Fever if you live and learn

Fever! Till you sizzle

What a lovely way to burn

What a lovely way to burn

What a lovely way to burn

What a lovely way to burn

励志台经典歌词频道收录“fever歌词 ”,歌曲歌词整理自网路,如有版权请联系励志台经典歌词频道及时删除处理,感谢您欣赏由演唱的fever歌词


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