Magic Guy《You Cried》歌词 2019-05-06 作者:佚名 来源:网络 You Cried - Magic Guy词:徐智曲:徐智编曲:徐智On MondayI said sorry to youYou criedI felt guiltyMaybeI shouldn't be with youMaybeMaybeOn MondayI said sorry to youYou criedI felt guiltyMaybeI shouldn't be with youMaybeMaybeOn MondayI said sorry to youYou criedI felt guiltyMaybeI shouldn't be with youMaybeMaybeOn MondayI said sorry to youYou criedI felt guiltyMaybeI shouldn't be with youMaybeMaybe 版权声明:以上文章中所选用的图片及文字来源于网络以及用户投稿,由于未联系到知识产权人或未发现有关知识产权的登记,如有知识产权人并不愿意我们使用,请联系我们删除。 歌词阅读:72 评论:0 上一条 VBC_反斗少年俱乐部《Vandal Boyz》歌词 下一条 果然乐队/邹语柔《来自蜗牛的幻想》歌词