经典语录 > 经典歌词

李瑨瑶《Young For You》歌词

2019-01-17    作者:李瑨瑶    来源:网络

Young For You (抖音版) - 李瑨瑶
Sunday's coming
I wanna drive my car
To your apartment with
A present like a star
Forecaster said the weather
May be rainy hard
But l know the sun
Will shine for us
Oh lazy seagull fly me
From the dark
I dress my jeans and feed
My monkey banana
Then l think my age how old
Skyline how far
Or we need each other
In california
You show me your body
Before night comes down
I touch your face and promise
To stay ever young
On this ivory beach
We kissed so long
It seems that the
Passion's never gone
You sing me your melody and
I feel so please
I want you to want me
To keep your dream
Together we'll run wild by
A summer symphony
This is what we enjoyed
Not a fantasy


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