经典语录 > 经典歌词


2019-01-19    作者:浪    来源:网络

来往 - 浪
We were born for love
Then we grew up alone
They say the times were tough
But it will fool no one
Now we are proud and strong
The night seems endless long
Only moonshine by our side
Lights the way to the paradise
You gotta have somebody to say hi
You gotta have somebody to say bye
You gotta have somebody to say hi
You gotta have somebody to say bye
It's been months or years?
Loneliness lingered here
We've got what we want
But with whom shall we share
Who's there looking for you?
Who's the one you're looking for?
The stranger waves and smiles
And this is what he says
You gotta have somebody to say hi
You gotta have somebody to say bye
You gotta have somebody to say hi
You gotta have somebody to say bye


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