作文 > 父爱母爱作文

父母的爱 Love From Parents英语作文

2020-06-18    作者:    来源:

父母的爱 Love From Parents英语作文

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  There is no doubt that parents love us the most in the world, they give us lives and nurse us to be an independent people. No matter what difficulties we face, they are always behind us and offer support. The way they love us is different and we can feel love is around.


  My mother is a housewife. She saCRIfice so much when I was born. Nowadays, women are advocated to be a career woman, and they treated to be successful if they can manage the family chores well at the same time. My mother gave up her career. In my eye, she does the most great job in the world. The house she cleans and the food she cooks, all of these work require so much patience and only the one with strong will can do it.


  My father doesn’t talk much, but he will never miss every important moment of me. Every night before I sleep, he will check my homework and ask me the latest situation. The comfortable thing is that he never puts me hard and I am so pleased to talk with him.


  Love from parents makes me stronger and I will fight for my future.



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